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Am I An Alcoholic?

girl asks am i an alcoholic

Alcoholism is a vicious cycle. Always in search of the next drink, you begin to feel agitated and an illness similar to a severe case of the flu. With bothering withdrawal symptoms arising, you may ask yourself, “Am I an alcoholic?” There’s good chance the answer is yes.

Am I an Alcoholic if I Isolate from Others?

Am I An Alcoholic? Difference Between Casual Drinking an AlcoholismSelf-isolation is another sign of an active alcohol use disorder. You’ve begun to drink more than you intend to. Now, you gauge your participation at events based on the availability of alcoholic drinks. If there will be no drinks, you choose to stay home rather than attend.

The problem here is that you now associate socializing with alcohol consumption. If there’s no opportunity to have a few drinks, you feel out of place. You don’t know how to interact in a sober setting. Deep down, you recognize this as a warning sign, but you don’t know what to do with it.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

“Am I an alcoholic if I have difficulties at work because of my drinking?” What about problems related to hangovers? Furthermore, problems arise because you spend every waking moment craving alcohol. It causes anxiety, insomnia, depression, fatigue, distraction, and much more. An alcohol use disorder consumes your every waking moment.

Overall, the condition results in episodes of overuse. There are also thought processes, continuous cravings, and compromises you make to continue drinking. Do you live in a household with family members or roommates? If so, you’ll notice your desire alcohol adversely affects those relationships.

Conquer Your Alcohol Addiction

Since alcohol addiction is a disease, many clients lose hope in their battle against the substance. With this in mind, it’s critical to explore proper detox services.

While a hospital environment is better than detoxing alone, the cold atmosphere may stunt your recovery progress. Instead, opt for a private detox center that focuses on healing with a multi-faceted approach to treatment. Spring Gardens Recovery provides all that and much more. Our Tampa, Florida detox center presents unmatched detox services and addiction treatment programs to inspire your journey to lasting recovery. Even more, each client gets a unique solution that fits you best to overcome substance abuse, drug addiction, and alcoholism.

At Spring Gardens Recovery center, our alcohol detox includes:

  • Medications that ease physical and mental withdrawal symptoms for a seamless recovery
  • Massage therapy that alleviates aching muscles and boosts your overall wellbeing
  • Holistic activities like yoga therapy and meditation therapy that relieve stress and increase focus

If you find yourself asking, “Am I an alcoholic?” you don’t have to continue wondering. Instead, reach out to the caring therapists at Spring Gardens Recovery treatment center Florida for life-changing alcohol detox treatment. Call (866) 244-9556 to begin your journey to a lasting recovery.

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8213 Cessna Drive Spring Hill FL 34606
2902 West Columbus Drive Tampa FL 33607