What Lies Ahead in 2018
As the New Year dawns, we thought it might be helpful to remind you of some of the exiting things going on in the world around us – from a growing emphasis on wellness to an increase in face-to-face communications.
Inc.com asked an interesting variety of company executives, founders and investors what they expect to happen in the months ahead. Here’s what some of them had to say:
Dr. Danielle Forshee predicts that mental health house calls will become available. “As the convenience of Amazon Prime and other on-demand online services continues to surge and become customary and expected, conventional methods of mental health treatment will soon be following suit,” she told Inc.com. “Most Americans experience highly stressful and busy lifestyles and have limited downtime. As a result, mental health practitioners will have to decide–keep up and offer convenient means of seeking mental health treatment, or become stale. It is expected that innovative and convenient means of accessing mental health treatment will become routine and acceptable. Rather than appointments taking place in the practitioner’s office, appointments will be taking place via live video-conferencing, or at the client’s preferred location. The client’s needs and schedules will be put first, not the practitioners.”
Celebrity personal trainer Michael Blauner believes more people will strive for simplicity in 2018. “Complications turn people off,” he told Inc.com. “As technology advances, it [affects] our need for simplicity and immediacy. This simplification in life is apparent in personal fitness, health, and wellness industries. If you keep things simple and easy to manage with the tried and true basics of nutrition and exercise, more people will venture into a healthy lifestyle. Short workouts will become all the rage, as people are constantly on the go and don’t have a lot of time to commit to lengthy workouts. There will be an emphasis on at-home services that lend convenience, such as home workouts led through online programs and healthy home food delivery services.”
According to Dee Kelly, founder and CEO of Wellness Décor, an online resource for wellness in design and corporate power energy training, “The importance of the body, mind and spirit connection will be a huge focus for corporate wellness programs in 2018. Corporations will be investing more and focusing on their employees and launching new programs to support their mental energy as well as physical energy and optimum resilience. Whether it be supporting employees by incorporating wellness design in their offices or creating opportunities through wellness programs within their companies, wellness is the new gold standard in business today. All employees will benefit from these new programs; however, we will see companies launching exciting new wellness programs that will specifically resonate with women.”
And here’s a prediction that we at Spring Gardens Florida Detox Center really hope does come true! Inc.com asked Kelly Josberger, co-creator/co-owner of Stumpy’s Hatchet House, an indoor recreation facility for adults, featuring hatchet throwing parties, what she sees in her crystal ball for 2018. Her prediction is that face-to-face interactions will increase! “The internet has made it possible for people to communicate easily while slowly weakening personal connections. Technology has allowed companies to track productivity with monitoring software, at the same time weakening trust,” she said. “Relationships have proven to be the way to increase sales and strengthen companies. Organizations will strive to build these relationships through face-to-face interactions that are personal, meaningful and fun.”
We hope she’s right! And we hope that 2018 will be the year that you and your loved ones realize you don’t have to fight addiction alone. If you are looking for a detox center in Florida that will support your recovery in every way possible, please consider Spring Gardens Recovery.
Spring Gardens, one of Florida’s most innovative drug and alcohol detox centers, offers an environment rich in amenities where you can receive quality treatment to heal your body, mind, and soul. Located just outside of Tampa, our Florida detox center specializes in providing both traditional and leading-edge detox and treatment approaches for those afflicted.
About the Author
Kelly Fitzgerald is a sober writer based in Southwest Florida who is best known for her personal blog The Adventures of a Sober Señorita. Her work has been published across the web including sites like The Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, Ravishly, SheKnows, Elite Daily, The Fix, Brit + Co, Addiction Unscripted and AfterPartyMagazine. She is currently writing a memoir.