Many people think PCP addiction is a thing of the past, with newer drugs and prescription painkillers curbing the market of street drug use. But PCP continues to ravage the lives of people using it. Also called angel dust, embalming fluid, wet or fry, PCP laces marijuana or nicotine cigarettes dipped in the drug’s powerful liquid.
What is PCP?
PCP is phencyclidine. It works like ketamine as a hallucinogen with pain relieving properties. People using the drug experience out-of-body feelings, delusions, irrational behavior, and other effects. The DEA classified PCP as a Schedule II drug, due to its rampant abuse and potential for addiction.
On the street, PCP is a powder ranging in color from white to dark brown. In its purest form, PCP is white. Brown forms of the drug occur after drug dealers mix in other chemicals to stretch the product. But this makes the brown forms of PCP even more dangerous, causing different chemical reactions when you use it.
Signs and Symptoms of PCP Addiction and Abuse
Using PCP or suffering PCP addiction causes a range of signs and symptoms. If someone you love abuses drugs, you possibly recognize some of these signs of dissociative drug addiction.
PCP signs and symptoms include:
- Euphoria with low sensitivity to pain
- Feelings of immortal strength
- Sense of lacking vulnerability
- Apathy, confusion, and absence of logic
- Hallucinations with distortion of your sense of time and place
- Intense alienation from the world
- Depression
Some people also experience delusions of grandeur, such as being a celebrity or dignitary. Many also feel highly afraid of death, yet the drug carries a very high risk for suicide.
Once PCP addiction takes hold, you or the person you love need help from a licensed treatment program. This treatment must include medical care, assessment, addiction education, therapies, support and other methods of detox and rehab.
How PCP Addiction Evolves
Your PCP addiction starts with the drug’s abuse. After a short period of abusing it, you develop tolerance. Tolerance is the time when the drug stops affecting you as it once did. So you increase your dose or frequency of using it, to feel the early effects again.
After tolerance, your dependence on PCP builds. You stop being able to function normally in daily life without your drug. You also experience a range of withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the drug or try to quit. Because these symptoms make you feel ill, they only push you back into using PCP.
Once you suffer full-fledged addiction, you need help through quality PCP detox and rehab. This treatment breaks the cycle of your drug use and withdrawal symptoms, by helping you get through withdrawal comfortably and safely in a residential environment. After achieving early sobriety, you start working on your addiction for lasting recovery.
Treating Your PCP Problem in Spring Hill, Florida
In Spring Hill, Florida, Spring Gardens Recovery provides medically supervised detox and rehab after addiction to PCP. Programs and services of Spring Garden Recovery include:
- Residential rehab
- Two-week stabilization program
- Amino acid and pediment IV infusions
- Individual, group and family therapy
- Yoga and meditation
- Complete amenities program
Whether you suffer PCP addiction or dependence on other substances, you can enjoy healthy recovery sooner than you think. You simply need help from Spring Gardens Recovery in Spring Hill, Florida. Contact Spring Gardens Recovery now at (866) 244-9556 to rebuild your life after addiction.