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Why Yoga Classes Enhance the Addiction Recovery Process

At Spring Gardens Recovery, we know how hard the treatment process can be on the body. To help our clients experience recovery, we offer a number of treatment options. To complement our traditional addiction treatment services, we provide yoga therapy classes. Studies show that yoga has plenty to offer people who suffer from drug addiction.

What Is Yoga?

Originating from India, yoga focuses on spiritual, mental, and physical discipline. Generally, a qualified instructor leads the class and walks you through the process. At Spring Gardens Recovery, we take yoga therapy classes a step further. Our classes focus on guided meditation, relaxation, and breathing exercises.

Shaman-led yoga is a safe, addiction therapy option for addiction treatment. Some practices during yoga are more strenuous than others. Only a professional can help you determine which practices that are safe for you should try.

Physical Benefits of Yoga Therapy Classes

Yoga offers many physical benefits to the body. Doing yoga helps strengthen your core, which makes you feel stronger and gives you more flexibility. It’s been our experience that clients practicing yoga notice a decrease in aches and pains as they go through the detox process. Breathing exercises can help calm your nerves and make detox less strenuous.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

Addiction treatment demands a lot from not only the body but also the mind. At Spring Gardens Recovery, we use yoga to treat psychological trauma and distress. It helps you find inner peace and teaches you to develop healthy coping mechanisms, like mindfulness. These mechanisms will help you long after you leave our rehab facility.

Improves Circulation

Sitting around doesn’t do the body any good. Yoga therapy classes can help you improve blood circulation. Studies show that improving circulation can lower blood pressure and improve healing. Aiding the body in the healing process is a great way to help work towards lasting recovery.

Improving circulation also helps improve oxygen flow to the brain. We’ve seen improvements in memory among people who participate in our yoga therapy classes. They also notice that they can think more clearly. Thinking clearly is important during the drug detox process. After detox, this improvement will help carry guests through the rest of their treatment.

Other Benefits of Yoga Classes

Besides the above benefits, yoga can also help individuals:

  • Cope with trauma
  • Calm their mind
  • Control depression and anxiety
  • Improvements in fitness level

Yoga offers various spiritual benefits that are helpful for many people during the treatment process. No matter their beliefs, these spiritual benefits reach beyond religion and help people find inner peace.

Let Spring Gardens Recovery Help You Find Recovery

Because we specialize in addiction treatment, we can provide a complete experience that other centers simply can’t offer. Our detox treatment centers around healing the mind, body, and soul. Along with yoga, we also offer:

  • Amino acid IV infusions
  • Pediment IV infusions
  • Medications to aid in detox

Our facility sits on 4.5 acres of land and spreads across multiple buildings. We offer customized detox experiences depending on the drugs that people take. Our programs typically last from 7–10 days.

Spring Gardens Recovery also strives to offer an upscale and professional atmosphere. We offer a number of amenities to achieve this environment. Some of these include professional chefs, housekeeping, and a sauna. Our facility offers private TVs and Bluetooth headsets for your convenience, as well.

Reach out to Spring Gardens Recovery today to get the detox services you deserve. Call us today at (866) 244-9556 for more information.

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8213 Cessna Drive Spring Hill FL 34606
2902 West Columbus Drive Tampa FL 33607