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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

woman and therapist during Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBTIn addition to the havoc that addiction wreaks on the body and spirit, it also affects the mind. When you abuse a substance over time, you begin to engage in destructive thought patterns. These are as much a symptom of the disease of addiction as are cravings or the pangs of withdrawal. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a classification category that includes a group of similar interventions that can be helpful in treatment.

The History of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In the 1960s while he was a psychiatrist at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Aaron Beck began research on depression. He found that clients’ negative thoughts about themselves, the world and the future were leading to their self-destructive feelings. By identifying what people told themselves, the thoughts could be evaluated and recognized as mistaken, and clients could change their own behaviors. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was the result of Dr. Beck’s work.

In the years since Dr. Beck began his research, this mode of therapy has gained both credibilities in the scientific community and popularity among practitioners and the people they serve. Today it is used to help with psychological issues such as eating, mood, anxiety, personality, psychotic and sleep disorders as well as addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Explaining CBT

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a research-based therapeutic model. Its framework includes the following features:

  • Negative thought patterns stem from long-held beliefs and can result in self-destructive actions such as addictive behaviors
  • Practitioners and their clients work together to identify negative thought patterns and to come up with positive alternatives
  • CBT sessions are active, usually involving full client participation and homework outside the session
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy can take place in individual or group sessions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) gives clients a set of coping skills that they can use every day as well as to help with stress and addiction triggers

One of the most common forms of negative thoughts among addicts is all-or-nothing thinking. “I didn’t do it perfectly, and that makes me a failure who should just go back to using,” is just one example. CBT can help clients to identify this self-talk and root it out.

Transform Your Thoughts and Your Life at Spring Gardens Recovery

You did not become addicted to drugs and alcohol in a moment, and you won’t recover in a flash either. However, we have the tools at Spring Gardens, like cognitive behavioral therapy, that will set you on the path toward lasting recovery.

Located on 4.5 beautiful acres in Spring Hill, Florida near Tampa, Spring Gardens first became one of the premier locations in Florida to obtain detox services. Under the supervision of a world-renowned expert in this field, our program and various detox therapies provide a safe and supervised setting where clients can allow their bodies to rid itself of drugs or alcohol. After taking this first step with minimal pain and compassionate support from our staff, clients are ready to do the psychological work of recovery.

Our program has now expanded to give you the chance to continue your recovery journey with us after detox. Below are just some of the features of our addiction recovery programs:

  • Comprehensive evaluation and customization of a treatment plan to meet your unique needs
  • Proven individual and group addiction therapies, including CBT
  • A beautiful Florida environment to promote healing
  • Amenities such as private TV, Bluetooth, and saunas
  • Luxuries to promote healing including yoga therapy and meditation, massage therapy, music therapy, and nutritional enhancement

Take the first step toward removing destructive thoughts and addictive behaviors. Call our caring counselors at (866) 244-9556 to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

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8213 Cessna Drive Spring Hill FL 34606
2902 West Columbus Drive Tampa FL 33607