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Cold Plunge Therapy

Cold Plunge Therapy also known as Cryo Therapy – is an Aquatic Therapy based on research that cold water immersion helps to reduce the degree of exercise induced muscle damage that occurs after physically challenging activities. Additionally, “cold plunging” have linked this therapy to treating depression and improved moods by boosting levels of dopamine and endorphins which in turn creates alertness and happiness.

How Does Cold Plunge Therapy Help?

By being immersed in cold water clinical studies have shown improvements in mood and focus while reducing inflammation, muscle soreness, and stress. In addition Cold Water has been shown to accelerate metabolism as well. 

Enhance Your Mood & Focus

One study showed that a cold plunge at 57°F caused a 250% increase in dopamine levels, and a 530% increase in noradrenaline levels that lasted for several hours.
Dopamine is often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone, and is associated with feelings of happiness, motivation, alertness, and focus.

Noradrenaline is heavily involved in your body’s emergency response system to danger, commonly referred to as the “fight-or-flight” response.

It is associated with attention, mood, memory, and alertness. Additionally, low levels are known to cause anxiety and depression.

• Decreases in depression, fatigue, anger, tension, & confusion
• Increases in vigor & self-esteem scores

Reduce Inflammation & Muscle Soreness

A recent study showed that cold plunges are effective in reducing inflammation and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS refers to the muscle soreness that occurs 1-2 days following an intense exercise session. Additionally, biomarkers for muscle tissue damage (creatine- kinase) were also shown to be improved after a cold plunge.

Improve Resilience & Reduce Stress

By placing yourself in a deliberate state of stress, you can work on how your brain responds to stressors. The cold-water acts as a lab where you can safely focus on breathing and remaining calm while engaged in a controlled state of stress. This can build mental fortitude and help when challenged with real-world stressors outside of the tub.

Accelerate Metabolism & Improve Cold Tolerance

During a cold plunge, metabolism has been measured to increase by up to 350%. Consistent cold plunging can then lead to improved metabolism and even improved blood sugar regulation.

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2902 West Columbus Drive Tampa FL 33607